
Friday June 25

just a snapshot of everyday life here in haiti:

- 15 people in the back of a small toyota truck.... and you still have room for 4 or 5 more.
- just throw the suitcase on the roof across the river in the dark in pouring rain - it'll be fine.
-side note: don't ride on the bumper of the rav 4 across the river unless you have really strong arms
- spaghetti for breakfast!
- stoplights and traffic laws? what are those?
- ravoli straight out of the can? yes please.
- mud. mud. mud. and then some more mud.
- naked people. everywhere.
- your name is now "you! you! you!"
- driving down the street is like a parade... everyday.
- things that can function as ladders: cinder blocks stacked 4 high, wicker chairs that have seen better days, folding wooden chairs, chairs made of rebar, (watched Jeff stand on) a ladder that needed 4 people to support it, particle-board beds, beds with cinder blocks on them, rocks...
- things that can function as a measuring tape: pickaxe, broom, stick, hoe, someone's shoulder.
- two hour break from work to watch the Brazil World Cup game? yes. everyone's a Brazil fan.
- have a personal-space bubble? not anymore!
- deet is your friend.
- finding blue tarp nails still in your pockets when you change at the end of the day.
- sweating more than you ever thought possible.
- cutoff t-shirts are the new style.
- clothes washed in the river and dried on rocks... and they smell cleaner than you ever thought they could.
- don't sit down at the orphanage with a group of girls for more than 5 minutes if you don't want your hair braided.

and that's just the highlights....


  1. ohhh the Haitian life i miss it! and i miss you guys! praying for you! can't wait to hear all of the adventures you guys had after we left!!!!!

  2. LOVE IT! Miss it, Miss you! Hugs all around!
