
off on another Haitian adventure! 17 January 2012

Hi Friends!

I know it's been a REALLY long time since I posted an update, and I apologize for that. Things have been pretty crazy this fall between finishing up school, working, looking for a 'real' job, and planning for time in Haiti . More the rest of that later.

Here's the highlights:
-graduated from A&P (Airframe and Powerplant) Mechanic School in December
-leaving today for Haiti until the end of March (2.5 months total trip)
-mainly working with Mission of Hope in Grand Goave, Haiti. http://www.mohintl.org
-also doing some projects with F1 Engineering / Travis Knipple. http://www.f1engineering.org

I'm also now 'officially' the short-term teams coordinator for Mission of Hope, helping coordinate logistics of the different groups that come to help out. Amongst other teams, there's currently three in the works that are going to be led by people connected with Campus Focus that have been on previous trips with me. Exciting stuff.

Please be praying for Haiti, for all of the different missionaries and mission teams doing so many great things in the name of Christ. One of my goals for this trip is to more finely tune what it looks like for me personally to be in the mission field longer-term, and learning from those who are already on similar adventures is a huge asset of being part of the body of Christ. Each group has a niche and a way that they uniquely contribute to the greater cause, and that's what makes the body function together as a whole. Please be praying for discernment and wisdom as I move forward over these next few months.

Also, I am still in need of a few hundred dollars more to cover the remaining living expenses for this trip, including this like health insurance and return plane tickets. Please contact my parents if you'd like to assist with this [2753 Eight Mile Road, Cincinnati, OH 45244], as they are handling finances for me stateside while I'm gone.

Thanks so much friends!

To Him be the Glory!


  1. Yea! So so so excited you are back in Haiti! Small group is praying for you bunches! Love you Friend!


  2. Thanks Melissa! Love you too my friend!
