
21 February 2012: pictures!

as requested... pictures! just a little of the progress. for reference, the highway runs along the north edge of the property, and the property slopes uphill towards the south. depot buildings (yellow with brown trim, painted by the stow alliance team in august) are along the west side.

late january: forming up footers in the southeast part of the building.

some footers poured. overall view of the site a few weeks ago, looking northwest toward the highway.

daniel's uncle lenny sent down a huge bag of tools. you would have thought it was Christmas!

the MOHI construction crew (plus Travis) went up the hill for a tour of the progress at the Be Like Brit site. L-R: Gama, Len, Me, Daniel, Travis, Lisa, and John.

PVC drain pipe laid out along the southern (back) wall of the building. props to daniel and his laser-level abilities for making the grade exactly right. backfill, landscaping filter fabric (to keep dirt out of the drain), "river gravel", pvc pipe, more gravel, top fabric, backfill. quite the process.

overview of the site last friday. southern (back) wall is now substantially higher, and poured east wall is finished. CMU (block) interior walls are going up. everything you see (inside and outside) will get backfilled an additional three feet still (to the bottom of the doorway cutouts you see on the far side). the hooks along the south wall (to the left) are at the height of the ground floor ceiling. the rest of this is all just foundation...

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