
team highlights

so we just got back (well, almost a week ago now) from haiti trip #3, spring break 2011. i didn't post much in the short week we were there, but hopefully this makes up for it. :)

one of my most favorite aspects of this trip was getting to see six of our team members (ashley, becca, ben, casey, jenn, and matt) experience haiti for the first time. there were life-changing experiences, wonderful conversations, so many ways that God showed up this week. a few highlights that people have shared as being specifically important to them:

-tuesday night church. the power went out part way through the service, but haitian church doesn't skip a beat. people kept singing, the drummer kept playing (even after a cymbal fell off of the stand), everyone continued to worship God. by american standards, this would have been a crisis, but in haiti, the important part was that people were worshiping God, no matter the circumstance. microphones and lights weren't necessary for God to hear us.

-conversations with patrick and ricardo, two haitian guys. patrick lives near the beach property, and a few people from the team got to talk with him out on the beach Monday night. they invited him to church with us the following day, and he came. it was great to see how energized the team was from connecting with him, despite the language barrier. also a few team members really connected throughout the week with ricardo, one of the drivers for Mission of Hope. solid conversations, true friendships established - that's really what it's about.

-getting to connect with the kids at the orphanage. we had the chance to give each of them a childrens' bible (written in creole, donated by ashley), as well as a treat bag of goodies, and each of the girls received a blanket as well, all handmade by a girl scout troop from ben's church. it was great to see their faces light up not only when they received their bibles, but each time we drove into the orphanage yard. suddenly there's a flood of haitian children yelling "steph-an-ie!" and "keem! keem!" (how they say our names :) there is so much joy in each of their faces... something that never gets old.

everyone on this team was wonderful. they each did such a great job of really intentionally connecting with the people we encountered, whether it was the families from the community that we got to build homes for, the kids at the orphanage, or the people with MOH that we saw everyday. God was very clearly present in each of their smiles and laughter and conversations in broken creole. there has already been much talk about the next trip, which we're planning for mid to late may! more details to come very soon ;)

thank you again for all of your support of our trip! we truly could not have done this without your prayers and generosity. we love you all!

to Him be the Glory!

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